Dr. Castanho's Approach to Healing

Dr. Castanho's Approach to Healing.jpg

Dr. Castanho's Approach to Healing:

Following nearly an hour medical interview, physical examination, and the reviewing of any pertinent laboratory testing, Dr. Castanho will start implementing his 7 step approach. His approach starts very basic with dietary and lifestyle changes. Many times just after starting this first step, patients will see dramatic improvements in their symptoms and overall health. When Dr. Castanho feels the patient is ready, they will move on to the next steps to healing. As the person progresses, different treatment options will be chosen to best fit the patient and their specific condition. Dr. Castanho views all of his patient’s as individuals presenting with different complaints so each treatment plan is designed with that in mind, unlike the traditional medical model that just treats the disease (symptoms) and not the whole person.

Step 1- Dietary and lifestyle changes
Eliminating food intolerances, eating organic foods, eliminate toxic exposures (cigarette, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, preservatives, artificial sweetenters, environmental exposures etc.), exercise, stress reduction, adequate sleep, increased water intake.

Step 2- Supporting the organs of elimination
(liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, intestines)
Herbal medicine, homeopathic medicines, drainage remedies, acupuncture, vitamins/mineral supplements, probiotic supplementation, enzyme supplementation, hydrotherapy, diet, exercise, spinal manipulation, soft tissue work (massage).

Step 3- Elimination of toxins
Herbal medicines, chelation therapy, homeopathic medicines, lipotophic nutients, drainage remedies, hydrotherapy (saunas, colonics etc.).

Step 4- Tonifying weakened organ systems
Especially the Nervous, Hormonal and Circulatory systems.
Herbal medicine, vitamins/minerals, glandular products, homeopathic medicines, acupuncture, stress reduction techniques, natural bio-identical hormone replacement.

Step 5- Structural Alignment
Spinal manipulation, physical medicine, postural changes, therapeutic exercise, soft tissue massage, reflexology.

Step 6- Psychological healing
Counseling, psychotherapy, homeopathic medicine, flower essence remedies, hypnosis, stress management and relaxation techniques, acupuncture.

Step 7- Repair Damaged Organs/Tissues
Dietary changes, vitamins/minerals, herbal medicine, organotherapy, glandular therapy, homeopathic medicine, natural bio-identical hormone replacement.